To capture the grey, wet and cold yet starkly beautiful monochromatic nature of Paris in winter this series of travel paintings was executed using a very limited pallet, in some cases two colors: indigo and burnt sienna and painted on location in France; Paris and Brittany (Ille De Brehat) January 2006. Plein air painting with watercolor in the Parisian and Breton winter poses special challenges, staying warm being one of them but the foremost being the humidity. The air is as wet as the paint and therefore the drying time is greatly extended. The results are interesting with colors running into one another forming unexpected results. La Conciergerie was painted on the one day I saw the sun and the weather was much drier so I was able to capture more detail. Sitting on Le Pont Neuf looking west I attempted to capture the evasive warm light as it struck the side of these great buildings. House with a Fish Window and Le Port Clos were painted in the Breton drizzle, Oceanside on ille de Brehat, a true exercise in wet on wet painting.

Le Port Clos

Chapel by the Louvre

St Germain des Pres


Ille de la Cite

Maison de fenetre Poison

Picasso's Chateau

La Conciergerie and Palais de Justice